Our Amnesty capter in amherst is joining Western Massachusetts Darfur Coalition, and Smith Stand org in a series of activities in support to the human rights in Sudan, a

major focus for the three groups. On Sat 4/2 a reception will be held for the opening of the Darfur Children Exhibit @ the School of Human Services in Springfield College. Our sister org, Darfur Alert Coalition, who brought the Children's drawings to the world introduced it on their website

These heart-rending drawings were created by children in the Kalma camp in South Darfur -- the very camp attacked by government forces this week. The drawings were done in 2004, the result of an impromptu gesture by Dr. Jerry Ehrlich, a New Jersey pediatrician who went to Darfur that year with Doctors Without Borders. While there, Dr. Jerry gave children paper and crayons and encouraged them to draw. Pictures quickly flooded back to him. Some showed flowers, sunshine and tranquil village life. Others, though, graphically portray the horrors these innocents survived. Scenes of bloodshed, bombings, and lives ripped asunder stare back at us with the directness and honesty of the child's eye." On Sat 4/9 the rally for Sudan will continue by a presentation at the annual conference of Africa, African-American, Development, Education, Research and Training Institute ( AADERTI ). The paper, which is mainly put together by Jamie Sullivan, STAND coordinator at Smith college is titled:
Building Global Solidarity: U.S. Activists STAND with Sudanese Girifna Students