Essex, Massachusetts
Early Risers Stretch & Swim in the Ocean 7:00am (optional of course!)
Welcome Session 9:00am-9:30am
Learning Objectives:
I. Review weekend agenda & logistics II. Initiate relationship building
Public Narrative: Story of I [The Role of Personal Stories in Organizing]: 9:30am-10:30am
Learning Objectives:
I. To understand the importance of public narrative
II. Develop understanding how public narrative works: values, emotion, and story structure III. To develop an effective story of self
Public Narrative: Story of Us
Learning Objectives:
I. To provide participants with clarity on how AI evolved from its origins of a "one year writing campaign on behalf of the 'forgotten prisoner'" to where we are today working on multiple human rights issues
II. Educate participants on important policy decisions that guide our work
III. Educate participants on AI's process of research & documentation to advocacy
IV. Understand AI Mission, History, Evolution of, Policy, Governance
V. Overview of AIUSA’s Structural Web (where do I fit into the picture and who is who)
Meet-ups by Roles
11:30am -12:30pm
Learning Objectives:
I.To engage local group activists in conversation to share their experiences II. To share success stories and work through obstacles
III. To share resources & ideas
Lunch 12:30PM-1:30PM
Public Narrative: Story of Now
Learning Objectives:
I.Provide participants with overview of AI’s Global Strategy
II.Provide participants with overview of AIUSA’s priority campaigns [targets, timelines, resources] III.Inform and engage participants on campaign
IV. Develop activist calendar
V. Build skills for creative campaigning and designing actions [adapting strategy to fit our group/community]
VI. Provide in-depth information on AI’s Individual and Communities at Risk program
VII. Introduce participants to Northeast Region’s Special Focus Case
VIII. To develop organizing skills for effective advocacy on IC@R work
Part II: Advocacy Overview & Campaign Engagement
Part III: Legislative Tactics
Part IV: Creative Campaigning & Designing Actions [adapting strategy to fit your group/community]
Break 3:15pm-3:30pm
Part V: In-depth Discussion on AI’s Individuals & Communities at Risk Program with Samir
Casework Session I: Facilitated by Todd
I.To educate participants on how to work on long term IC@R case
II. To develop a strategic and coordinated plan for specific IC@R casework
Casework Session II: Facilitated by Rick & Kelly
I.To educate participants on how to develop creative strategy for ongoing casework
II. Demonstrate how to forage for resources and materials
III. Build relationships and coalitions with allies to gain broader support for IC@R cases
Dinner 5:45pm-7:00pm
Action Calendar & Engagement Opportunities
Learning Objectives:
I.To plan and coordinate an activists’ calendar that reflects national, regional, and local activities
11:30am -12:30pm
Learning Objectives:
I.To engage local group activists in conversation to share their experiences II. To share success stories and work through obstacles
III. To share resources & ideas
Lunch 12:30PM-1:30PM

Learning Objectives:
I.Provide participants with overview of AI’s Global Strategy
II.Provide participants with overview of AIUSA’s priority campaigns [targets, timelines, resources] III.Inform and engage participants on campaign
IV. Develop activist calendar
V. Build skills for creative campaigning and designing actions [adapting strategy to fit our group/community]
VI. Provide in-depth information on AI’s Individual and Communities at Risk program
VII. Introduce participants to Northeast Region’s Special Focus Case
VIII. To develop organizing skills for effective advocacy on IC@R work
Part II: Advocacy Overview & Campaign Engagement
Part III: Legislative Tactics
Part IV: Creative Campaigning & Designing Actions [adapting strategy to fit your group/community]
Break 3:15pm-3:30pm
Part V: In-depth Discussion on AI’s Individuals & Communities at Risk Program with Samir
Casework Session I: Facilitated by Todd
I.To educate participants on how to work on long term IC@R case
II. To develop a strategic and coordinated plan for specific IC@R casework
Casework Session II: Facilitated by Rick & Kelly
I.To educate participants on how to develop creative strategy for ongoing casework
II. Demonstrate how to forage for resources and materials
III. Build relationships and coalitions with allies to gain broader support for IC@R cases
Dinner 5:45pm-7:00pm
Action Calendar & Engagement Opportunities
Learning Objectives:
I.To plan and coordinate an activists’ calendar that reflects national, regional, and local activities
II. To educate participants on the ladder of leadership within AI and opportunities for
personal/professional growth
Saturday Night: Campfire & S’mores
Early Risers: Stretch & Swim 6:30am (optional of course!)
Local & Student Group Organizing
Learning Objectives:
I. Understanding of how student and local groups can work together II. Gain knowledge of resources available
III. Learn to navigate member center IV. Build relationships within states
Skill Based Session Objectives:
I. Formulate ideas for dynamic events
II. Discuss and share fundraising techniques for local/student groups III. Generate outreach & growth plan for groups
Break: 10:30am-10:45am
Activism 2.0 Training : Turning Information into Action Online and IRL
(In Real Life)
10:45am- 12:15pm
Learning Objectives:
I. Explore different types of web tools that can be used by activists II. Learn how to practically organize and mobilize using web tools III. Develop a project plan for taking action on and offline
Lunch 12:15pm-1:00pm
Wrap up/Evaluations: 1:00-1:30pm
Saturday Night: Campfire & S’mores
Early Risers: Stretch & Swim 6:30am (optional of course!)
Local & Student Group Organizing
Learning Objectives:
I. Understanding of how student and local groups can work together II. Gain knowledge of resources available
III. Learn to navigate member center IV. Build relationships within states
Skill Based Session Objectives:
I. Formulate ideas for dynamic events
II. Discuss and share fundraising techniques for local/student groups III. Generate outreach & growth plan for groups
Break: 10:30am-10:45am
Activism 2.0 Training : Turning Information into Action Online and IRL
(In Real Life)
10:45am- 12:15pm
Learning Objectives:
I. Explore different types of web tools that can be used by activists II. Learn how to practically organize and mobilize using web tools III. Develop a project plan for taking action on and offline
Lunch 12:15pm-1:00pm
Wrap up/Evaluations: 1:00-1:30pm