We also decided to join a long list of co-sponosors of Starving for Justice event in Northampton, a talk by attorney Buz Eisenberg. The event is organized by Pioneer Valley No More Guantanamo (see below).
On Sat 8/4 in the afternoon, few members of our group participated in first public event of the NAACP chapter in Amherst (Martha, Magda, Irwin, and Mohamed went to the event).
On 8/9-11, Mohamed will be representing our chapter in the Northeast Retreat of Amnesty. The 20 Different Chapters in the region will be focusing 3-day retreat on the following:
"How can we work together in a way that supports our community-based organizing?
What is the biggest challenge you face with the existing case dossier/assignment system?
What is the improvement you would like to make (not open ended, options: a. better access to timely information b. real time updates, c. ability to share information with other groups and see what they are doing on that case, d. ability to choose your own cases, e. have direct, collective access to country specialists and guidelines?"
Our Chapter is taking this opportunity to focus on many questions and concerns that raised over the few past years by our members and plan to share with the groups
Starving for Justice: The Guantánamo Hunger Strike
A talk by Attorney Buz Eisenberg
Tuesday, August 13, at 7:00 p.m.
Northampton Friends Meeting
43 Center Street, 2nd floor
43 Center Street, 2nd floor
Buz Eisenberg will report on his recent visit to Guantánamo during the prisoners’ hunger strike to protest their continued detention and inhumane treatment. Eisenberg has represented seven men, including two still in Guantánamo, over nearly nine years. Most of the remaining 166 prisoners have spent more than 11 years in Guantánamo, even though 86 have been cleared for transfer and only a handful have been charged with crimes.
Eisenberg is President of the International Justice Network, fighting for due process and fair treatment for Bagram detainees in Afghanistan. He is professor of constitutional law and criminal justice at Greenfield Community College.
Organized by Pioneer Valley No More Guantánamos
ACLU of Massachusetts
Alliance for Peace and Justice
American Friends Service Committee of Western Massachusetts
Arise for Social Justice
Grace Church Peace Fellowship
Massachusetts Campaign Against Torture
Mt. Toby Friends Meeting Peace & Social Concerns Committee
Northampton Committee to Stop the Wars
Northampton Friends Meeting
Rosenberg Fund for Children
Western Mass. Code Pink
Made possible in part by a grant from the Markham-Nathan Fund for Social Justice
Free and accessible. 665-4561
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