We had a long and full agenda in the meeting including a detailed report on the Annual General Meeting from our coordinator Martha Spiegelman who gave a thourough coverage for each session she attended, and the Resolution votes she casted on our behalf (Thanks Martha)...
Alexa, our young active member, proposed an ambitious fundraise plan to help finance our participation in major Amnesty events. She committed to take the lead in this initiative (thanks Alexa)..
The meeting decided to particpate in the National Days of Action (April 27-May 8) in the Stop Torture Now campaign. Here is a paragraph from Amnesty website on this campaign:
{{The America I believe in does not torture. If you agree please join me in calling on the United States to ensure this never happens again by undertaking investigations and ensuring accountability for the crimes of torture and enforced disappearances.
This is the American Torture Story—and you can stop the United States from torturing again, today!
For years, a Senate Committee worked to collect evidence of these human rights abuses for a 6,700 page report known as “the Senate Torture Report.” The only version accessible to the public is a 500-page summary, but even this small window contains details that are truly horrifying.
The Justice Department has the full report, but apparently won’t even read it, let alone act on any new evidence it contains of criminal wrongdoing.}}
We created a 10-page Word document from the CIA Torture Report (525 pages) for our National Days of Action.
We will be mailing the Department of Justice one page in each of the 10 days of the campaign, and highlight areas on each page that express our idea why Torture is bad, and does not produce reliable information.
We also plan to post this on our Facebook Page
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