Thursday, August 18, 2022

Our First Zoom Meeting !


Poet/Magdalena Gomez

Dear Amnesty group,
 Thank you for a good meeting today .. it was our first Zoom meeting since this Amnesty Chapter started in 1978 (yes, we are 44 years old) ...
Here are the main points discussed and agreed upon:

  • We are inviting all members to come out and participate in the the Information Table at the Farmers Market on  Sat September 3 (10:30-12). This is the time when we usually meet new students and recruit members.
    Action: Fanny, Alexis, Hamror, Martha, and Mohamed
  • Fundraiser: Our bank balance is $277.23 and this is not enough to run our activities. Few members suggested different ideas to feed our bank account and Magda's suggestion was adopted that every member to donate $5-$20 or more.
    Action: people will bring donation to the Information Table on 9/3 @ 10:30-Noon or mail their checks to Martha or Mohamed (address below).
  • Human Rights Day on Sat 12/10: diverse topics and speakers were discussed and a consensus agreement was on  play writer/poet/women rights activist Magdalena Gomez as the first choice.   Few other options were discussed including: Children and youth forum (Tamador); The Lost Boys/Girls (Alexis); Former Chair of Amherst Human Rights Commission Reynolds Winslow (Magda).   
    Action 1): Martha (and Fanny/Mohamed) to contact Magdalena and see her availability on 12/10
    Action 2): Martha to book the main Jones Library room for the event 
  • The Group Facebook page needs more traffic and postings from the members: Mohamed to post this meeting on our FB page and other activities ... pls be active and share human rights topics on the page
Thank again for our members at large (Tamador and Ismail)  :)
Pls let me know if I missed any point